

The student-led S.T.A.R. (Students Taking Action and Responsibility) Committee is implementing a new character education program at Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School. Each month, a desirable character trait will be promoted by the committee. These traits are: respect, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, caring, and responsibility. The goal of this committee is to educate and celebrate positive behavior to enhance the learning environment. The teachers will nominate students who demonstrate the month’s trait. All students who were nominated will receive a locker decal that celebrates their nomination. The student body will vote for which students they feel deserve the distinction of being the Star Students.  Those winners will receive an RP hoodie and their picture submitted to the local newspapers and posted on the school’s social media page. This program was made possible through a grant from Parke County's Local Coordinating Council.

This month’s Star Students demonstrating fairness are, from left: Bella Garman, Molly Jones, Tulie Boyle, Hayden Hastings, Jeremy Wilkey, Derek Collom, and Lane Cottrell. Also winning, in the second photo, was Trent Crowder.