UPDATED STATUS-7:30 AM-MON, FEB 21, 2021 - All Southwest Parke schools will operate on e-learning today. Local road commissioner, bus drivers, and I concur that the roads are too unsafe for travel this morning.  Stay home and learn e-style!  Be safe today!!
about 4 years ago, SWP
All Southwest Parke schools will operate on a 2-hour delay schedule this morning, Monday, February 21, 2021.  Roads are very slick.  We will continue to monitor the situation.  Be safe!
about 4 years ago, SWP
Fri. Jan. 29, 2021 COVID UPDATE: Montezuma: 0 staff cases, 0 student cases, 0 staff quar, 2 students quar. Rosedale: 0 staff cases, 1 student case, 0 staff quar, 9 students quar. RPHS: 1 staff case, 2 student cases, 0 staff quar, 41 students quar.
about 4 years ago, SWP
Due to the road conditions, all Southwest Parke schools will operate on a 2-hour delay scheduled tomorrow - Thursday, January 28, 2021.  Please be safe in your travels!
about 4 years ago, SWP
Montezuma Elementary students will return to in-person learning on Monday, January 25. Please be sure all items taken home are ready for return next week. Please make sure all Chromebooks and internet devices are fully charged for the return to in-person learning.
about 4 years ago, SWP
Fri., Jan. 22, 2021 COVID Update: At Montezuma: 1 staff case, 0 student cases, 6 staff quar, 18 students quar. At Rosedale: 1 staff case, 1 student case, 4 staff quar, 39 students quar. At RPHS: 0 staff cases, 1 student case, 0 staff quar, 14 students quar.
about 4 years ago, SWP
***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2021*** Montezuma Elementary School will operate on an e-learning schedule beginning on Monday, January 18 and continuing through Friday, January 22. This e-learning period is necessary due to a recent positive COVID case that requires a large number of our staff members to quarantine. During the e-learning period teachers will be available between the hours of 8:10 AM and 2:50 PM to answer questions regarding assignments. Students will be able to pick up Chromebooks, internet devices, and other items needed for the e-learning week during the food distribution time on Monday, January 18 at the school. The time for that distribution will be from 11 AM until 12:00 PM. Food will be distributed at the Mecca School on Monday, January 18 from 11:30 AM until 12:00 PM. Five meals will be provided during the Monday distribution at Montezuma and Mecca. If you need meals, please complete the survey on the Food Service site or call your school to let them know. At the time of this message, the quarantine does not appear to impact the 6th grade girls basketball program, so games and practices will continue unless you are notified otherwise by the coach or the school. Thank you for your patience and understanding with us as we navigate this season of illness.
about 4 years ago, SWP
Friday, January 15, 2021 COVID Update: @Rosedale: 0 staff cases, 1 student case, 2 staff quar, 18 students quar. @RPHS: 0 staff cases, 4 student cases, 3 staff quar, 15 students quar. @Montezuma: 1 staff case, 0 student cases, 2 staff quar, 11 students quar.
about 4 years ago, SWP
SWP Board meets tonight at 7 PM in the Corporation Office. Public may attend. Masks and distancing required. Meeting will be live streamed on Facebook if the internet is up and running again.
about 4 years ago, SWP
Notice of Public Meeting - SWP Board - January 13, 2021
Rosedale Elementary will be released at 9:50 AM today due to a power outage. Montezuma Elementary and RPHS will remain in session and run a full day. All schools internet is down and some phone lines may not work. Please be patient. Thanks.
about 4 years ago, SWP
Fri., Jan. 8, 2021 COVID Update: @Montezuma: 0 staff cases, 1 staff quar, 0 student cases, 15 students quar; @Rosedale: 0 staff cases, 1 student case, 1 staff quar, 12 students quar; @RPHS: 1 staff case, 2 student cases, 2 staff quar, 16 students quar.
about 4 years ago, SWP
In-person learning resumes tomorrow - Monday, January 4, 2021! If your student is symptomatic of COVID or under quarantine due to a positive test or close contact, please keep her/him at home. Call the school to report the absence and follow all directives of your doctors.
about 4 years ago, SWP
Happy New Year from Southwest Parke Schools! We look forward to seeing everyone back in the classroom on Monday, January 4, 2021! Please wear your mask, keep your distance, and wash your hands. See you on Monday for in-person learning!
about 4 years ago, SWP
Announcement from Southwest Parke: Athletics will resume on Monday, December 21, 2020. Please see the attached document for further details.
over 4 years ago, SWP
Announcement RE Athletics December 18, 2020
From the Corporation Nurse: Parents/guardians and students: I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Holiday break! If you student becomes ill and is tested for Covid over break, please send me an email to let me know. Even though we will not be in session, I will still be in contact with our local health department and will still be tracking any Covid cases we may have in our corporation. Please send me an email with the date your student first started having symptoms, what day they were tested, and then results once you get those back. My email address is hasbrouckm@swparke.k12.in.us. Also, if you have received a letter from me regarding your student needing immunizations, please try to get those completed during the break. The State of Indiana still requires that our students meet immunization requirements or they can be excluded from school. We have had enough student absences so I would like to avoid anyone having to be missing school because of immunizations. If you don’t remember what your student might need, please email me and I will let you know. This includes all Virtual students. Thank you for your help! Nurse Marla
over 4 years ago, SWP
There have been some who have expressed concern about this cancellation of activities and its negative impact on the boys basketball team being able to participate in the Wabash Valley Classic Tournament. The IHSAA governs student athletics and participation. The IHSAA makes it clear that students have to be "fit" to participate in game play, and they define fitness as having completed 10 practices prior to game play. Our high school boys basketball team is currently under quarantine. The team would not have enough practices available to them once they come off of their current quarantine to participate in the Wabash Valley Classic as it is. I know this is not what anyone wants to hear, but it is true and tremendously unfortunate.
over 4 years ago, SWP
Food distribution tomorrow. Montezuma Elementary 11A-12P. Rosedale Elementary 11A-12P. Mecca School 11:30A-12P. Lyford Firehouse 11:30A-12P. Bridgeton General Store 11:30A-12P. Let us know you need meals by completing the form on Food Service site or calling the school.
over 4 years ago, SWP
All Southwest Parke schools will operate on an e-learning schedule Thursday, December 17 and Friday, December 18. Food will be distributed. No sports/ECA's December 17 through December 27. Practices resume December 28. More details to come in a School Messenger call later.
over 4 years ago, SWP
12/11/2020 COVID Update: @Montezuma: 0 staff/student cases; 1 staff quar, 16 students quar. @Rosedale: 1 staff case, 0 student cases, 6 staff quar, 31 students quar. @RPHS: 2 staff cases, 7 student cases, 3 staff quar, 54 students quar. We will be IN-PERSON next week!
over 4 years ago, SWP
12/9/2020 COVID Update: @ Montezuma: Staff quarantine: 3, Student quarantine: 16. @ Rosedale: Staff quarantine: 7, Student quarantine: 25. @RPHS: Staff quarantine: 3, Student quarantine: 37. Total staff: 13 (8% of total staff). Total students: 78 (8% of total students).
over 4 years ago, SWP