Fri, Sep 10, 2021 COVID Update: Montezuma: 0 staff cases, 5 student cases, 3 staff quar, 37 students quar. Rosedale: 2 staff cases, 6 student cases, 1 staff quar, 28 student quar. RPHS: 1 staff case, 12 student cases, 0 staff quar, 32 students quar. Do all you can to stay safe!
Fri, Sep 3, 2021 COVID Update: Montezuma: 0 staff cases, 9 student cases, 4 staff quar, 56 students quar. Rosedale: 2 staff cases, 3 student cases, 2 staff quar, 33 student quar. RPHS: 3 staff cases, 39 student cases, 3 staff quar, 80 students quar. If you're ill, stay home!
Federal mask mandate for buses has been extended to January 18, 2022. Everyone on a school bus is required to wear a mask. CDC & ISDH recommend masks in schools, but SWP does not require it. You can still wear a mask. It may offer some protection against viral spread. Be safe!
Aug 27, 2021 COVID Update: Montezuma: 1 staff cases, 7 student cases, 3 staff quar, 79 students quar. Rosedale: 1 staff case, 1 student case, 0 staff quar, 19 student quar. RPHS: 5 staff cases, 30 student cases, 5 staff quar, 78 students quar. Been a tough week. Stay healthy!
BUS UPDATE: Buses 2, 4, 11, 12, and 14 are impacted by driver shortages. Please be looking for phone calls and messages from drivers regarding the next several days. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Tuesday, August 24: BUS ISSUES THIS MORNING. Bus 2 will be late picking up students. The driver shift may cause variations in other routes too. Please be patient with our buses and drivers this morning.
Aug 20, 2021 COVID Update: Montezuma: 1 staff cases, 3 student cases, 4 staff quar, 44 students quar. Rosedale: 1 staff case, 0 student cases, 0 staff quar, 6 student quar. RPHS: 0 staff case, 5 student cases, 2 staff quar, 19 students quar. Take precautions to stay healthy!
COVID is still here. Masks are recommended, but not required. Masks may impact the distance requirement for close contact per ISDH guides. Please keep monitoring your student health. If your student is symptomatic, keep her/him home. Call the school to report the absence.
SWP will use ESSER grant funds to pay for a preschool class at Rosedale Elementary School for the 2021-2022 & 2022-2023 academic years. Parents will not be charged a fee during this time period! If you have questions, contact the Rosedale office.
The new press box has been set at the football field! Thank you to the Touchdown Club and all who gave their time, talents, and treasures to make this happen so quickly! Go Panthers!!
Fri, Aug 13, 2021 COVID Update: Montezuma: 0 staff cases, 3 student cases, 0 staff quar, 18 students quar. Rosedale: 0 staff/student cases, 0 staff quar, 1 student quar. RPHS: 1 staff case, 2 student cases, 1 staff quar, 11 students quar. Take precautions to stay healthy!
Online registration for all buildings opens tomorrow - Monday, July 26. Please register as soon as possible. If you have issues with the process, please contact your school. If you have interest in virtual academy, please contact your school. Have a great day!
Please see the attached documents regarding the Return to Learning Plan for Southwest Parke Schools.
SWP Board meets tonight at 7 PM in the Corporation Office. The tentative agenda is attached for your review. The meeting will be streamed on the Facebook feed. A summary of the return to school plan will be released after the meeting.
Parents/Guardians: As you prepare for back to school, please know that SWP will be providing school supplies (paper, pencil, crayons, etc.) again this year. We look forward to seeing all of our students soon!
The Southwest Parke School Board meets tonight at 7 PM. The meeting is open to the public. Masks and distancing are still required per the Governor's Executive Order regarding schools. The meeting will also be streamed on our Facebook page for off site viewing.
The Indiana State Department of Health has provided the following fact sheet regarding youth vaccination for COVID-19.
Friday, May 21, 2021 COVID Update: Across all schools in the corporation, there are 0 staff/student cases and 0 staff/student quarantines this morning. It's been a long time coming! Stay healthy, SWP!!
Fri., May 7, 2021 COVID update: Montezuma: 1 staff case, 0 student cases, 0 staff/students quar. Rosedale: 0 staff/student cases, 0 staff quar, 2 students quar. RPHS: 0 staff cases, 1 student case, 1 staff quar, 3 students quar. Wash up, mask up, keep distance! Stay healthy, SWP!
Fri., Apr. 30, 2021 COVID Update: Montezuma: 0 staff/student cases, 1 staff quar, 1 student quar. Rosedale: 0 staff/student cases, 1 staff quar, 1 student quar. RPHS: 0 staff cases, 1 student case, 0 staff/students quar. Wash up, mask up, keep distance! Stay healthy!!