Riverton Parke FFA Holds Annual Awards Program

The Riverton Parke FFA Chapter held their Annual Awards Program on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at Riverton Parke High School.  Members and guests enjoyed a brunch (catered by Mahogany and Brass), words from a keynote speaker, and recognition of FFA member’s accomplishments for the 2022-2023 school year.  The keynote speaker for the program was Sara Miller, a Riverton Parke FFA alumnus.  She provided words of encouragement to the FFA members and shared how her time in FFA has helped get her where she is today.  After her keynote address, awards were presented to the FFA members starting with the recognition of the ‘Top Fruit Salesmen’ of the year.  The top seller of the year was Brayden Griffin followed by Cash Anstett, Sophie Sanders, Emma Ugoletti, Katie Waldridge, and Daniel Valdes.  FFA degrees were then awarded. Those earning their Discovery Degree included Cash Anstett, Kenly Arney, Noelle Blake, Katie Waldridge, Makenna Keltz-Purcell, Aiden Wright, Cathleen McKee, Jase Martin, Thomas Koch, Maggie Virostko, Jenna Virostko, Mya Kenley, Dawn Koester, and Joel Harrah.  Those earning their Greenhand Degree included Emily Adams, Sophie Sanders, Lane Anstett, Brayden Griffin, Emma Ugoletti, Kenzie Mundell, Rhylie Cannon, Alexis Fisher, Annie Campbell, Colton Suggs, Carson Sutton, Cory Atkinson, Tyler Nelson, Gracie Durham, Daniel Valdes, Ashton Lowry, Derron Hazzard, Landen Livengood, and Dmitri Slobodeanuic.  Those earning their Chapter Degree included AJ Goff, Kenzie Travis, Katilynn Koch, Leah Clark, Logan Johnson, Hadley Newman, Jack Harrah, Abbie Roderick, Karlie Marion, Mason Haltom, Sebastian Mankin, and Gabe Lewis.  Sarah Brown and Collin Watson were recognized as members who will be receiving their Hoosier Degrees this June at the Indiana FFA State Convention. The Honorary Chapter Degree was presented to Mrs. Abby Cleghorn. The Honorary Chapter Degree is given to individuals in the community who have rendered outstanding service to the FFA chapter.  Three members were recognized for completing and submitting proficiency applications this year.  Those included Sarah Brown, Kenzie Travis, and Katilynn Koch.  Katilynn’s proficiency application earned ‘Gold Ranking’ in the state competition and will be recognized at the Indiana FFA State Convention.  Members were recognized for their involvement in various Career Development Events (CDEs) and Leadership Development Events (LDEs) this past year.  Riverton Parke had members compete in nine different CDEs and LDEs. Those included Livestock Skillathon, Soil Judging, Crop Judging, Forestry, Welding, Chapter Meeting, Meat Judging, District Contest, and Livestock Judging. The 2022-2023 Officer Team then presented their “Officer Awards.”  The “Rising Sun Award” was awarded to Katilynn Koch.  Emily Adams was awarded the “Workhorse Award.”  The “Unity Award” was presented to Alexis Fisher.  The “Red, White and Blue Award” was awarded to Abbie Roderick.  Jaydon Shaffer was the recipient of the “Washington Award.”  The “Shield of Friendship Award” was presented to Dmitri Slobodeanuic, and the “Owl Award” was awarded to Natalie Pruitt.  High point FFA members were recognized.  Members gain points for the various activities and events they participate in throughout the year which are then calculated to determine the “Top 5” for both junior high and high school members.  For the junior high, Joel Harrah was the “High Point Junior High Member” followed by Jase Martin, Jaydon Shaffer, Thomas Koch, and Bradley McElheny.  Sophie Sanders was the “High Point High School Member” followed by Jack Harrah, Sarah Brown, Katilynn Koch, and Annie Campbell.  FFA members graduating from the Class of 2023 were recognized. Those members included Karlie Marion, Abbie Roderick, Natalie Pruitt, Dmitri Slobodeaniuc, Landen Livengood, Ashton Lowry, Cloe Vanatti, Barrett Roberts, KayRae Chapman, and Derron Hazzard. The advisors, Michaela Woods and Micah Humphreys, presented special advisor awards.  The first being the “Outstanding Member of the Year” awards.  For the junior high, Joel Harrah was presented with the “Outstanding Junior High Member of the Year” award.  Katilynn Koch was awarded the “Outstanding High School Member of the Year.”  Next, two members were awarded the “Rising Star Award.”  Cash Anstett was named the “Rising Star” for the junior high, and Annie Campbell was presented the “Rising Star” award for the high school.  Academic Scholarship awards were given to the following individuals: 7th grade - Katie Waldridge, 8th grade - Rachael Plank and Maggie Virostko, 9th grade - Emily Adams, Annie Campbell, Rhylie Cannon, Kenzie Mundell, Sophie Sanders, and Emma Ugoletti, 10th grade - Charlie Belcher, 11th grade - Sarah Brown, and 12th grade - Natalie Pruitt. The 2023-2024 officer team was installed into their new positions.  The team consists of Jack Harrah (President), Kenzie Mundell (Vice President), Annie Campbell (Secretary), Collin Watson (Treasurer), Sophie Sanders (Reporter), Rhylie Cannon (Sentinel), and Sarah Brown (Junior Advisor). 

Pictured after the Annual Awards Program includes (left to right), front row: Micah Humphreys (FFA advisor), Natalie Pruitt, Carson Sutton, Daniel Valdes, Rhylie Cannon, Sarah Brown, Jenna Virostko, Maggie Virostko, Cash Anstett, Colton Suggs, Michaela Woods (FFA advisor); second row: Taylor Parker, Emily Adams, Emma Ugoletti, Kenzie Mundell, Katilynn Koch, Karlie Marion, Mary-Claire Featherling, Izzy Suggs, Makenna Keltz-Purcell, Katie Waldridge; third row: Mary Pruitt, Alexis Fisher, Mya Kenley, Jaydon Shaffer, Lilly Braun, Annie Campbell, Sophie Sanders, Tulie Boyle, Bradley McElheny, Jase Martin, Thomas Koch; back row: Abbie Roderick, Jack Harrah, Collin Watson, Sebastian Mankin, Dmitri Slobodeaniuc, Joel Harrah, and Lane Anstett.