Mathew Mullins Named “Good Citizen”

Mathew Mullins, a current senior at Riverton Parke High School, has been chosen by the Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School teaching staff and his senior class peers as the DAR “Good Citizen” Award recipient. This award recognizes and rewards high school seniors who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. For this achievement, Mathew will receive a monetary award and will represent the Panthers in the county-wide DAR “Good Citizen” essay competition sponsored by the Estabrook Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The winner of the county competition will continue on to compete for a state scholarship award.

Mathew is the son of Michael and Kelly Mullins of Rockville. Mathew is active in Student Council, National Honor Society, and plays basketball at RPHS. He plans on attending Indiana University next fall and majoring in Business Management.