RP Freshman Orientation for our current 8th Grade Students - This Thursday (May 12th) at 6:00pm. Topics - diplomas, pathways, dual credit, and more.
over 2 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Partnership Parke County is studying the needs of Parke County parents. Please consider taking the survey they have provided. Information may be found in the flyer linked below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sYImulW_WeFf9hxd1W3YuQfmbSpx71wB/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Southwest Parke School Corp
Partnership Parke County Survey
Announcement - Tonight's High School Dance has been postponed to January 29th. Icy Road Conditions. Stay home, and stay safe Panthers.
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Good Afternoon! Reminder - 7th Grade Orientation will be Tuesday, August 3rd @ 6:00pm at Riverton Parke. Have a great weekend!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Good Afternoon! Reminder - 9th Grade Orientation will be Wednesday, August 4th @6:00pm at Riverton Parke. Have a great weekend!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Parents/guardians and students: I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Holiday break! I do have a few reminders for you though… If you student becomes ill and is tested for Covid over break, please send me an email to let me know. Even though we will not be in session, I will still be in contact with our local health department and will still be tracking any Covid cases we may have in our corporation. Please send me an email with the date your student first started having symptoms, what day they were tested, and then results once you get those back. My email address is hasbrouckm@swparke.k12.in.us. Also, if you have received a letter from me regarding your student needing immunizations, please try to get those completed during the break. The State of Indiana still requires that our students meet immunization requirements or they can be excluded from school. We have had enough student absences so I would like to avoid anyone having to be missing school because of immunizations. If you don’t remember what your student might need, please email me and I will let you know. This includes all Virtual students. Thank you for your help! Nurse Marla
about 4 years ago, Southwest Parke School Corp
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0IlfE8T3d0_uNDCHt6Me-uZ0dprcRAUz61WlF5ipxMv3Q8A/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2Dk4FRPaaN11BXzaJ4BHFIOdyd92ujYp_eoNxGsgXczFwUObDL_2fZj1s Please use the form listed above to sign-up for Meal Delivery for RP Students. Meal distribution days on November 2, 5 and 9 from 11:30 to 12:00 at RP. ALL MEALS WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE!
about 4 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Good Morning! Please contact RP if your child is in need of paper packets for eLearning. The paper packets are for those without internet access, and cannot access online materials. Have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Parents - Please remind students to bring a copy of their schedule with them on the first day (MONDAY). We will have copies of schedules available, but we want to avoid creating large lines/groups of students. Schedules can be accessed using Harmony Family Access. #goRP
over 4 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Please refer to the following documents in regards to Covid-19 and the return to school.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Covid-19 Guidance Page 1
Covid-19 Guidance Page 2
Please remember to register your student using the Harmony Family Access. Registration must be completed in order to receive the school issued device as well as access to educational software. Please contact the school for any questions.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Kersey
Please read the following document regarding the reopening of Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Su-neAP2Kv1dpSHBE4wGFFIFrFTtLlebzsXhRp8ITs/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Abby Cleghorn
ONLINE REGISTRATION Online registration will open on Thursday, July 23, 2020. If you have a new student to SWP, need assistance with registration, or are interested in the SWP Virtual Academy, please contact the school office (765-569-2045) or Mr. Kersey (kerseyk@swparke.k12.in.us) via email.
over 4 years ago, Abby Cleghorn
If interested in participating in the meal program during the school closure, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/mEFCZXbs9Vf1nGha8 - more details will follow once we have this information. If you have any questions, please email mcclintockj@swparke.k12.in.us.
almost 5 years ago, Southwest Parke School Corp
Please see the memo from the Indiana Department of Education regarding the cancellation of Spring 2020 state assessments. Find it here: https://5il.co/dyh2.
almost 5 years ago, Southwest Parke School Corp
Please note there are new immunization requirements that have been posted for the 2020-21 school year. You can find them on our website under Parent Resources or by going to https://5il.co/curi
almost 5 years ago, Southwest Parke School Corp
Guidance Dept. Releases Winter Scholarship List 2019-2020
almost 5 years ago, Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School
Pg 1
Pg 2
Pg 3
Pg 4
January 2020 Breakfast/Lunch Menu
about 5 years ago, Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School
January 2020 Breakfast/Lunch Menu
RP Guidance Releases Updated Fall Scholarship List
about 5 years ago, Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School
Fall Scholarship List 1
Fall Scholarship List 2
Fall Scholarship List 3
Thanksgiving Break
about 5 years ago, Riverton Parke Jr./Sr. High School
Thanksgiving Break